When I was a little kid, I only played with stuffed animals. I created a world for myself with them and had many adventures there. Each one had a different character for me. I would go to bed with a big pile of toys, without separating any of them. They were my best friends. Then I met books. I left my world and started traveling to the worlds in the books. I have spent most of my time reading books and writing
Then, days passed like wind. One day, while I was building a playground for my parrot, I realized how much I needed to do something with my hands. It was as if my brain was overflowing with what I read all that time. I was tired of traveling through the worlds in my books and producing something helped my mind relax. I satisfied this need for a while with parrot toys. But when I came across Amigurumi, lightning flashed in my mind. It was time for my journey to end.
Now, as a 34-year-old woman, I returned home with my significant other, my son, and my parrot. Amigurumi Street is the project/story of my homecoming. If you happen to visit Amigurumi Street, I hope you will have a good time. Who knows, maybe you’ll wander around and discover a story in every corner. Welcome to my world.